Community Standards

In our continuous commitment to ensuring remains a secure and reliable platform for all users, we have established a set of guidelines that align closely with our Terms and Conditions. These guidelines are designed to inform users about the acceptable and prohibited ways of using, with a focus on safeguarding both you and your audience. We encourage you to take a moment to go through our Community Standards and understand them, as your use of signifies your consent to adhere to these standards, similar to our Terms and Conditions.

If you encounter any content on that contravenes these guidelines, we kindly ask that you report it.

Guidelines for Adult Content

Our goal is to enable all users, referred to as Linkers, to establish their unique presence online. At the same time, we aim to ensure that all visitors, particularly minors, are able to make informed choices. Furthermore, the varied legal frameworks in the multiple international regions where operates dictate certain limitations on the types of content permitted on our platform.

What You Can Do:

  • You're allowed to create links to adult content, provided it's lawful in your area, does not promote comprehensive sex work services, and is flagged as sensitive.
  • You may promote adult-themed media that you produce and offer on other platforms.

What You Cannot Do:

  • Uploading adult content, which includes nudity, to your profile picture, link thumbnails, backgrounds, or in PDFs is not permitted.
  • Embedding social media streams that showcase adult content on your page is prohibited.
  • Promoting comprehensive sex work services is not allowed.
  • It's not permissible to use's commerce features or links that require payment to gather funds or donations for adult content directly via

Hate Speech Guidelines serves as a platform for the exchange of thoughts and beliefs, provided they do not inflict harm, incite hatred or violence, or engage in discrimination against any person or group based on their race, skin tone, origin, religious beliefs, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, veteran status, disability, or medical condition. Additionally, should not be used to praise or glorify individuals who propagate hatred, violence, or discrimination.

Electoral Fraud Policy must not be utilized to disrupt or interfere with local or national electoral processes. This includes actions such as misleading the public about the methods or eligibility of participation in elections and attempting to buy or sell voting rights.

Username Policy for URLs usernames are intended to be accessible to all. As such, buying, selling, hoarding, or trading usernames is prohibited. It's also against the rules to reserve a username without plans for active use or with the intent of domain squatting – preventing others from using it or profiting from its resale. Such practices may be illegal in certain jurisdictions and are not permitted on

Prohibited Goods and Services

The following items and services must not be promoted, endorsed, or facilitated for sale on

  • Alcohol (Note: Advertising alcohol sales is allowed with a liquor license, but direct sales through are not.)
  • Controlled substances
  • Tobacco products, including e-cigarettes
  • Weapons, weapon schematics, accessories, and ammunition
  • Firearms and realistic replicas without clear non-functional indicators
  • Fireworks and explosives
  • Human body parts or fluids, and human sales offers
  • Endangered or protected species
  • Regulated plants, insects, animals
  • Adoption/surrogacy services
  • Counterfeit goods, including imitations of known brands
  • Recalled items
  • Stolen goods
  • Multi-level marketing products
  • Embargoed goods
  • Hazardous or toxic materials
  • Identification documents
  • Personal information or mailing lists
  • Gambling activities (excluding fantasy sports)
  • Human trafficking

Content aimed at minors must not include anything inappropriate or exploitative.


Guidelines Against Spam and Fraud

Users are advised not to use for spamming or fraudulent activities. This includes behaviors such as:

  • Redirecting to external websites that may deceptively gather personal information.
  • Creating numerous accounts for the purpose of advertising products, services, or domains.
  • Establishing multiple accounts for the purpose of accumulating affiliate click-based revenue.

Harassment Policy strictly prohibits the use of its platform for harassing others. This includes any form of intimidation, harassment, threats, or bullying targeted at individuals.

Prohibition of Extremist/Terrorist Content

The promotion, glorification, or financial support of extremist groups or their activities through is not allowed.

Child Harm Policy maintains a zero-tolerance policy regarding any form of child harm. This includes the prohibition of uploading or linking to content that is harmful to minors or endorses harm to minors, such as child sexual abuse material, solicitation of minors, and inappropriate imagery featuring underage individuals. Any instances of such harmful content linked or uploaded to are reported to relevant authorities, including organizations like the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Self-Harm Content Guidelines aims to be a safe space where users can openly discuss recovery and healing. However, the platform prohibits any content that promotes or glorifies self-harm, including suicide, self-mutilation, or disordered eating, to ensure the safety and well-being of all visitors.

Guidelines on Shocking or Violent Content prohibits the sharing of content that is intended to shock or disturb its visitors. This includes, but is not limited to, imagery or descriptions of gore, mutilation, excessive violence, or physical abuse.

Copyright and Trademark Policy

Content uploaded to must not violate intellectual property rights, which include copyright, trademarks, and patents. If you suspect that your intellectual property rights have been infringed upon by content on, we encourage you to contact us for assistance.

Privacy and Impersonation Rules places high importance on protecting individual privacy. Therefore, profiles that reveal personal identifying information of others (such as billing details and IDs), collect such information without legal justification (like explicit consent), or display private media (including image-based sexual abuse) are not permitted. Additionally, impersonating other individuals or organizations through profiles is strictly forbidden.

If you collect personal data from visitors, it's mandatory to provide a privacy notice for them to review before they submit their information. This notice must adhere to all relevant privacy laws and regulations.

Misinformation Policy

The dissemination of misinformation or disinformation via is strictly prohibited. This includes any material that could compromise public safety, such as manipulated media, falsified documents, or conspiracy theories. Examples of prohibited content include:

  • False or misleading information about current events, social issues, or crises.
  • Unproven or potentially harmful alternatives to medical treatments.
  • False claims that exaggerate or downplay the effects or origins of medical conditions or their scientifically validated treatments, including misinformation related to COVID-19.