Terms of Service

Usage Agreement 

Using our Service means you agree to these Terms. If you disagree, you cannot use the Service.

Account Creation 

Your account information must be accurate and current. Not doing so can lead to account termination. You're responsible for your account's security, including password protection. Inform us immediately of any unauthorized account activity.

Third-Party Links

 Our Service may link to external sites not controlled by Yo.ee. We're not responsible for the content or practices of these sites. We advise reviewing their terms and privacy policies.

Termination Policy 

We can terminate your access for any reason, with or without notice, especially if you violate these Terms. Certain Terms provisions survive after account termination.

Governing Law 

These Terms are governed by Massachusetts law, United States. Our failure to enforce any Terms provision is not a waiver of that right.

Terms Modification 

We may change these Terms. Significant changes will be notified 60 days in advance. Continuing to use our Service after changes means acceptance of the new Terms.


For questions about these Terms, please contact us.